
Nakamura Yuichi’s birthday commemoration! What is your favorite character? 3rd place: “My Hero Academia” Hawks, 2nd place: “Haikyu!!” Kuroo Tetsuro, 1st place: “2025 Edition”

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February 20th is Nakamura Yuichi’s birthday.

Nakamura Yuichi made his debut in the 2000s. He won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 16th Voice Actor Awards, and at the 19th he was the most active voice actor chosen by fans, MVS (Most Valuable Seiyu).

In 2025, he has been confirmed to appear in a wide range of titles, including “The Mole of the Discipline,” “Crebates – The King of the Demon Beasts, the Hero of the Baby and the Corpses,” and “Babambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambamba There are also sequels to popular series, including the fourth season of the TV anime “Osomatsu-san” and the OVA “Kobayashi-san’s Dragon Maid: Sassigariya no Ryu.”
He is also active in video streaming, including the YouTube program “Wasagana TV,” where he serves as the main MC along with Mafia Kajita.

So, with the hopes of celebrating Nakamura Yuichi’s birthday“What is your favorite character you played?”We conducted a reader survey titled “This is the case for this year.” We received responses from 1,083 people during the survey period from February 4th to February 9th.
The gender ratio is about 20% for men and about 80% for women, with a large number of women. The age group was approximately 40% under 19 years old, and approximately 15% were in their 20s and 40s.

No. 1

The number one is Gojo Satoru from “Jujutsu Kaisen”. Approval rating was around 24%, marking the top spot for the fifth consecutive year.

Key Visual of the Anime “Jujutsu Kaisen: Boys and Tamagori” (C) Akutami Gege/Shueisha/Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

“Nakamura often plays the strongest character, but Gojo-sensei boasts overwhelming strength. Nakamura’s acting exudes a sense of ease and is making him stronger, and he says, “It’s okay, I’m the strongest.” When it comes to the persuasiveness of the lines! I also like the difference between the usual silly feeling,” and “Gojo is wonderful as a teacher in the first term and Gojo’s voice as a student in the second term. It’s particularly good. I was surprised at the expression of a bratty look that is typical of a high school student. He is an attractive character from the original, but with Nakamura’s voice on his face, he can now see a new side of himself.” He says, “The play is based on his strength and age during battle. The difference is impressive.

“I’ve been a fan for nearly 20 years now and have seen many different works, and I like Gojo Satoru the most. I was also excited by the way “ka” has become a trending social media trend. The way words are spinning is very impressive. We also received a comment that he has a strong presence even in the single line, saying, “It’s natural and you can immerse yourself in the afterglow of the endings of the words.”

No. 2

Second place is Kuroo Tetsuro from “Haikyu!!”. Approval rating was approximately 16%, making it second place for the fourth consecutive year.

“Haikyuu the Movie!! The Decisive Battle at the Garbage Disposal” Key Visual (C) 2024 “Haikyuu!!” Production Committee (C) Furudate Haruichi/Shueisha

“Captain leads the Nekoma High School volleyball club! I love Kuro, whose strong desire to be a manager who led him into the volleyball world, leads him to a sense of responsibility as a captain!” and “At the training camp, he was a junior at a rival school. He even gives advice on Block to a certain Tsukki! I’m hoping that he’s a senior like that would be close to him,” he says, “He’s more reliable than anyone else in the game, but he’s age-appropriate when he’s playing a prank. “The character is packed with many charms, including a side to the side and the kindness of his childhood friend who cares about his childhood friend’s polish,” and many people said that he also brings out a wide range of charms.

No. 3

The third place is Hawks from My Hero Academia. The approval rating is about 6%, with the same characters as last year in the top three.

“It’s because he is like a calm and calm professional hero, but he also brilliantly expresses emotions that sometimes overflow” and “I was captivated by his acting, which looks irreverent but reveals complex inner thoughts. His tone of voice changes depending on the opponent and the situation, and I watch the Hawks appear again and again. The Hakata dialect that sometimes appears is also exciting and great! “All for the seventh season is the 7th season. I remember the scene where the strength he had when he cried out against Wan, combined with Nakamura’s voice, exploding emotions. All of the top three titles have been decided to produce a sequel.

■We’ll introduce other comments!

“Wandafurupurikyuua!” ‘Usaya Daifuku“It’s a rabbit that Satoru keeps, but when it was released in theaters, I was shocked when the voice actor was Nakamura. It was so hard-boiled that you can’t help but want to call me my big brother when I watched the main story. I was twice surprised by his personality. I was happy that he was active at the end of the TV show.”
“blood. -On Earth’s Movement-“Badeni“The genius monk who moves the story a lot. He has a cool impression, but is greedy for knowledge, and once he gets excited about something that excites me, I was captivated by his acting, which is so passionate that it makes me so passionate.”

“The Young Master of Running” Suwa Yorishige“The priest leads the protagonist, Hojo Tokiyuki, to retake Kamakura. He has a mysterious sexiness but is shady, and combined with his wide range of excitement, he has become a punchy character.”
“Transformers/ONE” Optimus PrimeThe film features foreign animation, “They express the change from the labor robot Orion Pax to the commander Optimus through subtle changes in their voice and tone, and are moved by the play that exudes natural leadership!” There was also a vote for the dubbing actor.

Key Visual of “The Young Master of Escape” (C) Matsui Yusei/Shueisha/The Young Master of Escape Production Committee

In this survey, the top three characters continue to show strength, continuing from last year. On the other hand, the characters played in 2024 have also been ranked, so it’s interesting to see if they’ll be able to break down the top-ranked strongholds from next year onwards.
Don’t miss out on the top 20 on the next page!

■Top 10 Rankings

[中村悠一さんが演じた中で一番好きなキャラクターは? 2025年版]
1st place Gojo Satoru “Jujutsu Kaisen”
2nd place: Kuroo Tetsuro “Haikyu!!”
3rd place: Hawks “My Hero Academia”
4th place: Usayama Daifuku “Wandafurupurikyuua!” ‘
5th place: Matsuno Karamatsu “Osomatsu-san”
6th place: Brono Bucciarati “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind”
7th place Jin Yuichi “World Trigger”
8th place: Shiba Tatsuya “The Irregular at Magic High School”
9th place: Umemiya Kazushi “WIND BREAKER”
10th place Saotome Alto “Macross F”
10th place: Badeni “Ci. -About Earth’s movements-

(Answer period: February 4th to February 9th, 2025)

Next page: Rankings up to 20th place is revealed

    Other survey topics currently being accepted can be found here! Please tell me what you think.>>

*This survey is part of a survey of readers’ awareness of “interest and attention to current anime works and characters.” Regarding the outcome, we do not intend to determine whether or not the best of any character or work. We hope that this article will help you learn about new works and characters, as well as play a part in helping you deepen your understanding and interest.

{Takahashi Katsunori}

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