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TV anime “Mecha-Ude” Episode 6 “Friends are just that…” Preview video, advance cut, and synopsis released (8 images) – Anime News
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The preview video, advance cut, and synopsis of the 6th episode of the TV anime “Mecha-Ude”, which is being broadcast every Thursday at 24:30 on TOKYO MX and other channels, has been released.
Synopsis: Incidents of Mecha-Ude users suddenly losing their sense of self and going out of control occur frequently throughout Kitakagami City. Hikaru goes to search for the worm-type Mechaude Amaryllis, who is said to be the cause of the commotion, and Aki, who is suspected of being complicit in the incident by working with Amaryllis. On the other hand, what action does Aki take when Amaryllis pressures her to bring Hikaru to save Fubuki’s life?

©TriF / “Mecha Ude” Production Committee