
Speaking of “cat” characters? 3rd place: “Haikyu!!” Kozume Kenma, 2nd place: “The Apothecary’s Monologue” Nekoneko, 1st place: “2025 Edition>

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Key Visual for

February 22nd is Cat Day.
The origin is a mnemonic that is linked to the cat’s meowing, “Mn (2), Mean (2), Mean (2).”

There are many cat-like characters in the world of anime.They are close to the main character’s pet, monster cats with mysterious powers, and cat ear characters with cat ears as charm points.And their individuality varies.

There’s the I am Anime Now, the annual“What do you think of a “cat” character?”A reader survey was conducted entitled ” We received responses from 647 people during the survey period from February 6th to February 11th.
The gender ratio is about 35% for men and about 65% for women, with the majority of women. The age group was mainly young, with about 40% of people under the age of 19 and about 25% of people in their 20s.

■Titles where new releases have been broadcast and released are on the top!

No. 1

First place is Nyanko Sensei from Natsume’s Book of Friends. Approval rating was around 13%, marking the top spot for the eighth consecutive year.

“Natsume’s Book of Friends Lacquer” Key Visual (C) Midorikawa Yuki and Hakusensha/”Natsume’s Book of Friends” Production Committee

Readers said, “It has a round, pissy form, but it is a noble, huge monster called a macab. But because it was sealed into a beckoning cat, it looks like he is now… He is “not a melancholy.” He claims that, but his whimsical and selfish personality and the way he gets excited when he’s playing cats look just like a cat! ” “All right, he’s so pretty! Despite his perfect round shape, he can’t resist the fact that he’s so drinkable inside. Grilled squid. “It’s so cute to hold the item in your mouth or hug it in a sake bottle,” a character who is also familiar to merchandise has become a hit.
“Even though I say it anyway, I like how he returns to his original appearance and protects Natsume. The bodyguard is no choice!”, and the reason for his popularity is also why he is so trusting with the main character, Natsume Takashi. With his latest work, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Urushi, aired in 2024, he gained greater approval rating than last year.

No. 2

Second place is cat cat from “The Apothecary’s Monologue”. Approval rating was about 7%, making it second place for the second year in a row.

Key Visual of the Pharmacist’s Monologue (C) Hinata Natsu Imagicainfos/The Pharmacist’s Monologue Production Committee

“Maybe because her name is Maomao, she sometimes draws her tail, cat-like eyes, or threatens to say “Sha!!” She’s a bit tsundere. She’s a bit tsundere who can’t be honest. It’s also cat-like, isn’t it?” and “He’s a self-stop girl who’s only interested in medicine and poison, and was sometimes called a stray cat. Cat ears also appear in the anime, so I felt like I was a cat (lol) )” and “He has the perfect temperament of a cat, and he’s a child who never gets bored of watching. He was originally a dog fan, but thanks to her I became a cat fan.” The main character of this work ranked in the list. The second season is currently airing, and this has also increased its approval rating from last year.

No. 3

The third place is Kozume Kenma from “Haikyu!!”. The approval rating was about 6%, and it entered the top three from fourth place last year.

Kozume Kenma is a volleyball club member in his second year at Nekoma High School. Readers said, “Nekoma High School is likened to cats and Karasuno High School is a long-standing rivalry. Among them, Kenma was founded by captain Kuroo Tetsuro, who said, “Nekoma’s spine, brain, and heart.” “It’s been described as “” and is a key player who determines the outcome” and “He has a keen observation gaze and is an indispensable player in a match, but his free-spiritedness is a bit like a cat.” We collect votes based on the role and personality of the “There are many drawings with cats, and there are also merchandises that have been made into cat mascot characters are on sale,” and items that have turned cats into cats are also popular.

■We’ll introduce other comments!

“Gegege no Kitaro” Cat Girl“I love both the cat girl with a bob head that I always see in all series “Kitaro.” I love both the cat girl I saw as a child, and the cat girl who has a higher body shape now.”
“Wandafurupurikyuua!” ‘Nekoyashiki Yuki“I thought of the white cat, Yuki, whose pure white fur is as beautiful as snow. Even though she is a cat, she has noble pride, but she doesn’t like water and snakes, and she reacts to things that roll, so she’s definitely a cat after all. It’s so cute that it makes you think so.”

“I’ve started teaching at Yokai School! ‘Autumn Rain TamaoHe wrote, “They are the youkai cat mata, and even when they are human, they have cat ears and two tails that are cute. I couldn’t study at all and had zero points, but I was taught by my teachers and friends and did my best. I did.”
“The Uncle Reincarnated as a Cat” Pun-chanThe short anime also voted for, saying, “They look like a kitten, but the inside is a normal office worker! It’s also interesting that they’re doted on by the president of the company they worked for.”

Teaser Visual (C) Yajima/Neko Uncle Production Committee

This survey included a wide variety of cat characters, including humans, monsters, and robots. There is also comment that she wears merchandise, and her cute visuals are loved.
Don’t miss out on the top 20 on the next page!

■Top 10 Rankings

[“猫”キャラといえば? 2025年版]
1st place: Nyanko Sensei “Natsume’s Book of Friends”
2nd place: Nekoneko “The Apothecary’s Monologue”
3rd place: Kozume Kenma “Haikyu!!”
4th place Doraemon “Doraemon”
5th place: Nekoyashiki Yuki/Cure Nyamy “Wandafurupurikyuua!” ‘
6th place: Natsume Soseki, Bungo Stray Dogs
7th place: Jibanyan “Yo-kai Watch”
8th place: Cat Girl “Gegege no Kitaro”
9th place: Baron “Cat’s Return”
10-bit orange “Oriental Project”

(Answer period: February 6th to February 11th, 2025)

Next page: Rankings up to 20th place is revealed

    Other survey topics currently being accepted can be found here! Please tell me what you think.>>

*This survey is part of a survey of readers’ awareness of “interest and attention to current anime works and characters.” Regarding the outcome, we do not intend to determine whether or not the best of any character or work. We hope that this article will help you learn about new works and characters, as well as play a part in helping you deepen your understanding and interest.

{Takahashi Katsunori}

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